Monday, April 23, 2007

The low risk/high reward of PDC

MTGO is a very fun game. Can be amazing to play with people from around the world. We're on V2.5 and sometimes it crashes when there are too many people on (ie when there are over 3000 on at any one time).

They have a v3 beta and you can check the boards for info on that. Its ok - I'm not happy on the UI but if its stable - thats a start.

I digress though - even with these problems MTGO can be fun and you *DO* meet people from around the world. Especially in PDC - great people to play with. Getting/collecting 4x commons (for you don't need more than 4 of any non-basic-land in MTGO to build decks) in MTGO is a lot less than going for rares and uncommons - esp high powered decks.

Casual and tournament fun in PDC gives you so much more "bang for the buck" also because most of the PDC tournaments (if not all) are free: They are Player Run Events. Rarely will you see a charge for a PDC tournament/event.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A note of sadness

My heart and prayers are in Virgina this week. To mourn the loss of life that occurred at Virginia Tech. God bless to all the families out there at this time.

Kinda takes the wind out of my pdc thoughts at this moment in time.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Commons and Cost..

Seems to be a recurring issue in the realm of PDC: Cost of certain commons.

While we always have had cost issues with OOP (out of print) IPA commons such as Terminate - we've seen some cost escalations with the "Snow Land" commons of the Cold Snap set.

SpikeBoyM was clear to point out that the tech is very narrow as most snowlanded decks in PDC involve Skred and can easily be substituted out.

However this leaves the continued problem of certain very powerful IPA and to a lesser extent OTJ commons that are hard to replace.

As new sets have come out over the last few years and more continue to add to the "base of commons that PDC draws from" - hopefully the powerful cards can be substituted for a lower cost.

Some have the budget to buy whatever commons they want for whatever decks. Others may have limited budgets.

PDC was created to make gaming in MTGO more accessible and so far with all the events we have it seems to be working.

Friday, April 6, 2007


Over at the MTGO boards there was a bit of mischief during April Fools day. Had something to do with f in everything - threads, replies, psuedonames etc.

My contribution, silly as it was, to promote Funcommons, Funcommonality and Funcommon Deck Challenge. Was that silly - yes? Necessary - No. But perhaps we can build around this and bring some "funcommonness" to the game we love even more.

PS: Was at Albion, California this last few days. One word: Beautiful.