The whole Tiago-esque problems reported in MTGO seem to have calmed down. There have been clarifications, communications and an apology from the's Limited Info writer.
There was a lot of heated debated. Nary a dozen posts but hundreds even thousands of replies in total. Basically it boiled into 3 groups: "I dont care about jaywalking - its not like DCI paper tournaments", "Its wrong - its a crime/problem/violation and people should stop.", "MTGO doesnt have the ability to patrol these violations so who cares?".
In the end Optimus Worth (Wotc_Worth), Brand Manager for MTGO at Wizards of the Coast, stepped in and dealt with the writer, the issue and the community. Thank you for doing that.
In this whole big debate - it got heated and ugly. A few folks, previously friendly, were tartishly rude when I drew a Law and Order line in the sand stating it was 100% wrong and bad for folks to encourage "cheating/breaking/bending rules".
Bottom line - the rudeness of some, the cavalier ignoring of basic rules of others and such have burned me out a bit.
I stopped playing again. I stopped posting mostly. I will stop by once a week. There are some real life issues as well (mainly dental and such) so its a good thing. Like Tobold, I am drawn back to WOW. If I don't like a Horde breaking the law - I can smite them down. In MTGO - too many smug sharks/shark guilds think its OK "Anything Goes".
I may return - depends on how I feel.
Integrity and being true to oneself is something you shouldn't tread upon lightly. No belief system, no respect for rules or honesty and well - people stop spending time with you. And the ones that do hang around - well vultures hang around the dying and decrepit all the time.