Thursday, February 28, 2008

An army of One (pauper deck)....

There is something about trading card games like Magic (paper) and it's electronic version, MTGO. It's a sense of building your own custom deck and the elated feeling of winning (beating your oponent) with cards you choose to play. Not some predesigned set of pieces like checkers or chess.

Your constructed deck is like an Army of One. Your deck, your cards and your choices. Customized by you for you. Played by you. Games won like victories on the battlefield. Matches won like wars fought hard. That Turn 15 Corrupt for 11 damage finishing off that annoying MUC blue control deck. The feeling and laughter when you play that Mana Tithe to fight that annoying Counterspell he used with his last two untapped blue mana.

Magic and MTGO bring a level of customization and personalization in gaming. Its the best fusion of Chess, Poker, Baseball cards and Roulette (with the MTGO shuffler sometimes it feels like Russian Roulette lol).

Bring forth the masses unto MTGO. Let them enjoy 24x7 gaming. From any internet connection around the world. Be that at a kitchen table in Boise, Idaho or at an Internet Cafe in Beijing, China. Bring folks together to enjoy a great and growing trading card game in the digital Aether.

PDC takes this one step further. In how we play the game with commons in MTGO. In how many folks are inspired to help each other play this great game called Magic the Gathering. In what we do with these events each week. Player Run Events (PRE) involving PDC bring tears of joy to me. How volunteers host tournaments almost daily. How /join pdc is full of excitment during Pauper events (be it standard, Futex, Classic or Block/trbial etc). How new events occur and the webmasters (kudos to and among others) put time into helping grow this wonderful community of Paupers.

Long live PDC and MTGO. Rejoice in the community that we call PDC.

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