Wednesday, February 20, 2008

State of the Pauper Nation

Around the world we have many dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of PDC players in MTGO. With 8 full events or more each week (see or for current PDC and PRE happenings in MTGO) - we've got a lively community.

PDC is great for new and old Magic (paper or MTGO) players alike. It allows new players to experiment and play/deck build for a low cost per card and per deck.

MTGO has had its ups and downs the last 6 years. Since 2004 - the Pauper movement in MTGO has evolved and grown. With several websites and dozens of dedicated players/tournament hosts/etc around the world - we're a good group to hang out with in /join pdc.

Version 3 of MTGO is around the corner (sometime this year). I hope in this transition that we do not lose folk as PDC will be there for the bumpy rides ahead. Long term I believe MTGO will be stable and grow its userbase. And in that instance - PDC will be healthier and a better gaming format/environment for all.

Fellow Paupers - let us keep up the good fight and work. We can and will continue to evolve this as not only a "Commons only gaming format" but a great place to spend time with other Magic players online from around the world.

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